Henrik Chulu
I write and speak about this future we're living in.
I'm a writer and public speaker who lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark, and who has been part of artistic and critical projects in Berlin, Barcelona and New York City.
In my work, I explore the intersections where artistic creation, technological development and political struggle flow together, often in collaboration with artists, activists and academics.
I have an academic background in philosophy and geography and had toured Europe as a musician before pursuing a freelance writing and speaking career. As a journalist and guest lecturer, I have focused on tech literacy and the potentials and challenges of organizing in a digital world.
I was Head of Communications at The Lake Radio, a Copenhagen-based independent community radio station that mostly plays experimental, avant garde, underground and new music, as well as sound art and a lot of different podcasts. Here, I focused on building up our newsletter readership by writing about the music in rotation and maintaining a calendar of local music, art and literature events.
Cybernauterne is a group of specialists offering courses, consulting and keynotes on digital literacy and internet culture. Together with associate professor, PhD Stina Teilmann-Lock and artist Antonio Roberts, we designed and facilitated the 2021 online conference Artechlaw - all taking place in the virtual world of Minecraft - about the intersections of visual art, regulation and technology. In 2019, we collaborated with Arken Museum of Modern Art on a series of workshops about manipulation and propaganda reaching 300+ students aged 14-15.
I collaborated in Centre for Cyber Wellness on the 2022 exhibition Neural Burnout, the 2020 performance Visual Matrix: Acceleration, Resonance, and the publication How to Quit. We were booked for the Art and Activism program at Roskilde Festival in 2020 and 2021 that unfortunately was cancelled due to the pandemic.
In 2021, I facilitated a Migration Policy Lab for LGBT Asylum using design thinking methods I originally developed for the Braintrust Interdisciplinary Knowledge Lab.I wrote a series of articles for Goethe-Institut on multiple aspects of algorithmic technologies:
- A very brief history of artificial intelligence.
- Artificial intelligence in healthcare, including the pandemic response.
- How algorithmic technologies can begin to live up to democratic ideals.
- How AI impacts the planetary problems of climate change, armed conflict and economic inequality.
- Asking the question: Can artificial intelligence be creative?
And another series of magazine articles for Digital Hub Denmark and the think tank Mandag Morgen on emerging technologies in green transition.
The data cooperative polypoly contracted me to write a profile of their founder as well as pieces on the security and environmental aspects of their technologies.
I wrote the initial report for Djøf's TechDK commission on technology and the economy.
As editor at Techfestival 2018, I wrote articles and curated guest pieces for the festival publication.
I contributed articles to Mozilla's 2018 and 2019 Internet Health Report.
The Glass Room was an art and technology exhibition presented by Mozilla and Tactical Tech in New York City in 2016. I supported the curators with background research, wrote outreach copy, and was part of the team that executed the project on the ground including volunteer management and care.
As part of the Politics of Data Team at Tactical Technology Collective, I provided research and wrote copy for Me and My Shadow.
As partner in the boutique consultancy Solobeta, I researched and authored a digital policy strategy for Samdata/HK, a major Danish trade union for it-professionals. Other clients include the Danish Film Institute and the Danish Agency for Culture.
I was the main author and the art director of Emergent Value, a report on the internet of people also published as a print magazine.
As a journalist, I contributed English language articles to the print version of the pan-African design magazine Ogojiii and to the Copenhagen-based print and web magazine The Murmur.
In Danish, I reported for the trade magazines Samdata Magasinet, Erhvervsfilosofi and Prosabladet, as well as for the daily Dagbladet Information, and for Radiomagasinet Kollaps, a radio broadcast and podcast produced at Den2Radio. I wrote Danish language features for the major daily Politiken on surveillance and privacy and on smart cities.
At the gallery Science Friction, I curated content from the archives of Piratbyrån for the exhibition Anarchival: The End-to-End Principle. The result was edited into a print volume in collaboration with artist Raquel Meyers as part of the art fair Alt_Cph 13.
For House of Real, I developed the digital concept for Syriatypes, a transmedial documentary project.
I wrote and performed a piece for Happy New Year, Dear a publication and performance by artist Tina Helen.
While working freelance in Copenhagen, I have co-founded two cooperatively run co-working spaces: Overdosseringen and Arbejdsfællesskabet Tranen.
From 2011 until 2015, I was part of bootstrapping Bitbureauet, an independent internet policy think tank in Denmark, advocating for network neutrality, data privacy, freedom of expression.
I have done presentations, lectures, and workshops, as well as moderated and participated in panels on on creativity, culture, policy and safety in the digital world. Highlights include
- Doku.Tech 2022 (Prishtina, Kosovo)
- European Parliament in Denmark 2020 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Techfestival 2018 and 2019 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Data-SKUP 2018 (Oslo, Norway)
- Dataharvest 2017, 2018, and 2019 (Mechelen, Belgium)
- Internet Freedom Festival 2018 and 2019 (Valencia, Spain)
- ThingsCon Salon 2017 (Berlin, Germany)
- Sharing is Caring Conference 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Knitwork Festival 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Folkemødet 2013, 2014 and 2015 (Allinge, Denmark)
- Danish Internet Governance Forum (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Spekulation #1 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Braintrust Interdisciplinary Knowledge Lab 2013 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit 2012 (Gothenburg, Sweden)
- Diplohack Internet Freedom Conference 2013 (Tallinn, Estonia)
- Doctivist Video Storytelling Training 2012 (Amman, Jordan)
I have guest-lectured at the following higher education institutions:
- The Royal Danish Academy of Art Schools of Visual Arts
- The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation Institute of Visual Design
- LCI Barcelona Higher Education Design School
- University of Copenhagen Department of Communication and IT
- University of Copenhagen Department of Political Science
- IT University of Copenhagen
- Lund University Internet Institute
- University of Copenhagen Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
- Copenhagen Business School
- Danish School of Media and Journalism
Other clients include Guldborgsund-bibliotekerne, Roskilde Bibliotek, Danske Studerendes Fællesråd, MS/ActionAid, The Danish Society of Engineers, Danish Association of Masters and PhDs, Danish Psychological Association, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, Insafe, National Museum of Denmark, Roskilde Festival, Danish Architecture Centre, Made Festival, National Union of Commercial and Clerical Employees, Click Festival, DiGiDi, Helsingør Gymnasium, InnovationLab, Archive and Research of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Open Source Days, Gladsaxe Pædagogiske Videns- og Dokumentationscenter.
Email me at henrikchulu@henrikchu.lu
- Bluesky: @henrikchulu.bsky.social
- Mastodon: @chulu
- LinkedIn: Henrik Chulu
- Medium: @chulu
- August 30, 2022. Revolutionen: Solar Punk Kommunisme
- August 30, 2022. Revolutionen: Hvem arbejder i bagved internettet?
- December 6, 2022. Vi Er Data: Algoritmer, der elsker det ekstreme
- April 2, 2021. Politiken: Algoritmer i vild vækst. Hvem beskytter os, indtil politikerne begynder at regulere den nye virkelighed?
- February 09, 2021. Podcast NU: Hvad The Wire kan lære os om vores forhold til den digitale verden
- January 31, 2021. DR2 Deadline: GameStop - aktivister ryster aktiemarkedet
- June 13, 2020. Vi Er Data: Din computer er racistisk
- October 22, 2019. AK 24syv: Big Brother Award
- September 27, 2019. Elektronista: Brave new world møder 1984 - og 2020
- September 21, 2019. Orientering på P1: Hongkongs demokratibevægelse med kontroversiel maskot
- August 5, 2019. AK 24syv: 8chan og slidt musik
- February 5, 2019. P1 Digitalt: Fra sølvpapirshat til frihedskæmper
- October 29, 2018. Journalisten: Slik beskytter du deg digitalt
- October 4, 2018. Kulturen på P1: Share With Care
- June 7, 2018. DR P1 Digitalt: Internettets Grundlov
- April 11, 2018. Vice Danmark: En dansk forsker fortæller, hvad Facebook bruger dine private beskeder til
- April 8, 2018. Pakzads Polemik på Radio24syv: Du er produktet!
- March 16, 2018. DR Viden: Politiet udruller nyt it-system: siger nej til kunstig intelligens
- March 15, 2018. DR P1 Digitalt: Pre Crime
- March 15, 2018. P1 Morgen: Politiets digitale redskaber
- September 15, 2017. Dagbladet Information: Hvad kan man gøre for at bremse unges grænsesøgende adfærd online?
- July 12, 2017. Datolinjen på Radio24syv: Stor online protest, Flygtninge og migranter på havet og Hellige køer må godt slagtes
- June 13, 2017. AK 24syv på Radio24syv: Alt det, du (ikke) må på Facebook
- January 14, 2017. The Voice of America: ‘Glass Room’ Exhibit Asks, What Is Privacy in a Digital Age?
- December 28, 2016. Benjamen Walker's Theory of Everything Podcast: The fairest of them all?
- December 12, 2016. Gothamist: 'The Glass Room' In SoHo Will Make You Want To Burn Your iPhone
- February 15, 2016. Version2: Lektor i kriminologi: »Big data-samfundet er gået over gevind og er helt uigennemtænkt«
- August 21, 2015. Harddisken: Nørder hjælper verden
- July 24, 2015. P1 Debat: Har overvågning sat en stopper for privatlivets fred?
- June 26, 2015. P1 Debat: Er trangen til overvågning gået amok?
- May 9, 2015. DR2 Tema: Du bliver overvåget!
- March 28, 2015. Politiken (kronik): Fremtidens ’smarte’ storbyer bliver automatiske
- February 15, 2015. Aflyttet på Radio24syv: LOGNING: Vi vil vide hvor du er. hele tiden
- November 28, 2014. Amnesty #4: Beskyt dig mod overvågning
- October 18, 2014. TV2 Go’morgen Danmark: Hvordan kan man sikre sig mod hackerne?
- June 14, 2014. Information: Enhedslisten: Staten skal lære borgerne digitalt selvforsvar
- May 20, 2014. HK/SAMDATA: Klædt på som digital meningsdanner
- February 9, 2014. DR2 Deadline: Debat: Dataindsamling, retssikkerhed og demokrati
- September 15, 2013. Aflyttet på Radio24syv: Det totale overvågningssamfund
- September 10, 2013. Politiken (kronik): Vi lever i en fortidens dystopiske fremtidsvision
- August 4, 2013. Nyhederne på Radio24syv: Danskerne bekymrer sig ikke om deres privatliv på nettet
- July 24, 2013. DR: Filtre mod internetporno virker ikke
- 24. juli, 2013. P1 Morgen: Filtre mod internetporno virker ikke
- March 31, 2013. Aflyttet på Radio24syv: Velkommen til Overvågningssamfundet. er det så slemt?
- March 1, 2013. Magasinet NOTAT: Bombardement væltede traktat
- February 23, 2013. BT: Rohde og Løkkegaard fremlage bankers forslag som deres egne
- February 21, 2013. Journalisten: Ophavsretten må ikke overtrumfe ytringsfriheden
- February 12, 2013. The Copenhagen Post: Internet surveillance laws under pressure
- December 16, 2012. Agenda DR P1: Den navnløse generation tager ordet
- September 28, 2012. Kulturkontoret DR P1: Ophavsret vs. kreativitet?
- September 25, 2012. Det Danske Filminstitut: Unges syn på internettets fremtid
- September 3, 2012. Information: Henrik Chulu: ’Anonymitet giver mulighed for at kommunikere frit’
- July 1, 2012. Ud og Se: På internettet kan alle være med
- July 7, 2012. Aflyttet på Radio24syv: I et offentligt rum
- July 5, 2012. Politiken Kultur: Europa siger nej til omstridt Actatraktat
- July 4, 2012. Information: ACTA nedstemt i Europa-Parlamentet
- June 26, 2012. The Copenhagen Post: State rules out anti-piracy letters
- June 21, 2012. Netzpolitik: Dänemark gibt Warnhinweisen den Laufpass und startet einen „weichen Krieg“ gegen Piraterie
- June 21, 2012. P1 Debat: Jagten på piratkopister
- June 20, 2012. Version2: Slut med advarselsbreve til danske fildelingspirater
- June 20, 2012. TechDirt: Denmark Ditches Warning Letters, Launches Soft War On Piracy
- June 11, 2012. Global Voices: Germany: Anti-ACTA Rally in Berlin – Signal to Politicians, Reminder to Citizens
- May 11, 2012. Modkraft: Bitbureauet: Politikerne skal tænke sig bedre om
- April 13, 2012. Berlingske 3. Sektion: Kulturbattle
- March 1, 2012. The Copenhagen Post: 10,000 strong: ‘Don’t ACTA fool’
- February 28, 2012. DR P6: Offbeat med Carsten Holm
- February 27, 2012. Computerworld: Rettighedsbøvl gjorde ACTA-demonstration musikløs
- February 27, 2012. DR P6: Offbeat med Carsten Holm
- February 27, 2012. Modkraft: Massedemonstration mod censur
- February 26, 2012. Politiken: Man skyder efter fluer med kanonkugler
- February 26, 2012. Politiken: Uundgåelig konflikt: Internettet er blevet en kampzone
- February 26, 2012. Politiken: Imod: ACTA er farlig
- February 26, 2012. Information: Et digitalt forår?
- February 26, 2012. Information: Internettet skubber til en fælles europæisk offentlighed
- February 25, 2012. Politiken: Fra Wien til Lyon og Aarhus: Europa gør klar til demonstration
- February 25, 2012. Aflyttet på Radio24syv: Lørdag den 25, går internettet på gaden
- February 25, 2012. Ekstra Bladet: Flere tusinde ACTA-demonstranter på Christiansborg
- February 25, 2012. DR: Tusinder demonstrerer for frit internet
- February 25, 2012. Ritzau: Acta-demo: Politikerne kan ikke ignorere os
- February 25, 2012. DR1 TV-Avisen 18.30: Tusindvis demonstrerede mod ACTA
- February 24, 2012. Information (opinion): Grooveshark-kendelse åbner for hårdhændet internetcensur
- February 24, 2012. Politiken: EU forbyder overvågning på nettet
- February 24, 2012. Version2: Ny EU-dom gør ACTA-kritikeres frygt til skamme
- February 24, 2012. Politiken: 15.000 vil gå på gaden mod ACTA i morgen
- February 23, 2012. The Copenhagen Post (opinion): Why take to the streets against ACTA?
- February 22, 2012. Modkraft: KODA freder YouTube
- February 21, 2012. Modkraft: »YouTube kan blive den næste«
- February 18, 2012. Orientering DR P1: Politisk tøven om ACTA
- February 18, 2012. Politiken: Mørklagte papirer sår tvivl om dansk rolle i antipirat-aftale
- February 18, 2012. Ingeniøren: Det betyder ACTA ifølge juristen og den indædte modstander
- February 17, 2012. Ingeniøren: Balladen om en kompliceret aftale
- February 12, 2012. The Copenhagen Post: Internet surveillance laws under pressure
- February 10, 2012. DR1 TV-Avisen 21.00: Ny EU-lovgivning skal bekæmpe ulovlig kopiering (18 min in)
- February 10, 2012. The Copenhagen Post: Support for ACTA wanes as debate heats up
- February 9, 2012. Orientering DR P1: Aftale om net-pirateri på vippen
- February 8, 2012. Altinget (opinion): Internetpolitik må ikke overlades til ophavsrettens lobbyister
- February 7, 2012. Globus på Radio24syv: Forsøger kapitalister og voksne fra den gamle verden at beskytte egne interesser ved at begrænse friheden på internettet?
- December 21, 2011. TorrentFreak: RIAA: Someone Else Is Pirating Through Our IP-Addresses
- Noveber 15, 2011. Politiken: Antipirater vil lukke for ulovlig musik
- October 24, 2011. Politiken Debat: Jeg vil ikke overvåges på nettet
- August 21, 2011. Politiken Debat: Ophavsret eller ytringsfrihed?
- August 12, 2011. The Atlantic: Shepard Fairey Got Beat Up by Danish Left-Wing Radicals
- August 3, 2011. The Copenhagen Post: Street artist’s work opens old wounds
Internetpolitiske spørgsmål har med Actaprotesterne fået sit folkelige gennembrud – og de har vist, at mobilisering på nettet kan være et stærkt politisk værktøj, forklarer Henrik Chulu, der er talsmand for protestorganisationen Stop Acta Danmark.
»Plade- og filmbranchens problem er, at den før havde kontrol over hele sin værdikæde fra produktion over distribution. Med internettet har den mistet kontrollen, hvilket den forsøger at kompensere for ved at tvinge forbrugerne til at ændre adfærd. Hvis musik- og filmbranchen vil være relevant, må den tilfredsstille forbrugernes behov,« siger Henrik Chulu
»Nu er det blevet forår i Danmark. Lad os stå sammen om, at det bliver et digitalt forår«.
»Traktaten er et mesterstykke i lobbyisme. Alle de lobbyister, der vil have strammet lovgivninger i de forskellige lande, kan nu pege på Acta og sige, at det tilskynder den til«.
»Det er lovgivning foretaget på vegne af og implementeret af en generation, som ikke er vokset op med internet og ikke forstår det. Modstanden består af en ny generation, der er vokset op med og lever og ånder med nettet. Man kan nærmest sammenligne det med rock’n’roll i 50’erne, hvor en generation syntes, det var frygteligt«.
»Muligheden for at være anonym på internettet handler ikke om plade- og filmbranchens ophavsrettigheder, men om almindelige menneskers borgerlige frihedsrettigheder, som kommunikationsfrihed og retten til privatlivets fred.«
»Alt imens politikere og journalister snakker løs om ytringsfrihed, nægter de at forholde sig til muligheden for at lukke ned for politisk kommunikation online, under påskud af at det krænker ophavsretten. Hvis ikke der bliver taget hul på debatten om en revision af ophavsretten, vil den blive fremtidens væsentligste begrænsning af ytringsfriheden.«